Since she was around nine years old, Katy wanted to be an actress. Whatever way she could tell a story and have an impact, she wanted to do it. Anything fictional on television inspired her. From the Australian soap 'Neighbours' to the record breaking 'Game of Thrones', Katy always watched on in awe hoping "that could be me one day".
When finding out that attaining an agent and therefore work was tough after she left drama school, Katy did what she always did:
She made work.
Approximately 90% of her CV was written and/or produced by her, and she starred in all bar one film.
She is very proud of this accomplishment on its' own... but alas, it doesn't pay well.
Hopefully, she can circle back around to this method one day! For now, she just acts/writes/produces for other people.
View her CV and watch her Show Reel via the menu!